”Kaikki journalistit eivät ole vahtikoiria”. Uuden paikallismedian eettiset periaatteet ja journalistiset ristiriidat
Tervetuloa Helsingin Sanomain Säätiön rahoittaman hankkeen (2021-2023) loppuseminaariin 31. maaliskuuta 2023 klo 9.00-12.00 Päivälehden museoon, Ludviginkatu 2–4, Helsinki.
Professori Folker Hanusch Wienin yliopistosta kommentoi esiteltäviä tutkimustuloksia ja pitää esitelmän journalismin perifeerisistä toimijoista.
Seminaari on kaikille avoin, mutta siihen täytyy ilmoittautua.
Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse 24.3. mennessä Inka Tommilalle (inka.tommila@helsinki.fi).
”Not all journalists are critical watchdogs”. Ethical principles and journalistic contradictions of local communications outlets
When: 31 March at 9.00-12.00
Where: Päivälehti museum, Ludviginkatu 2–4, Helsinki
Local communications actors, such as city-funded media, increasingly adopt journalistic practices and principles to advance their interests and communication efforts. By blurring the boundary between the news and non-journalistic media, such ‘interloper’ media practitioners make it difficult to tell the difference between professional journalism and other forms of media content. Our study on local interloper media in Finland has found that these outlets provide news-like information and analysis but use such information strategically to promote the locality and its private and public power holders. The line between journalism and other communications is expected to blur even more in the future as e.g. municipalities borrow journalistic means in their communication.
At the seminar, these and other results will be discussed in detail. Professor Folker Hanusch, University of Vienna, will give a talk about peripheral actors of journalism and comment on the research results. Doctor Hanna Rajalahti, Haaga-Helia university of applied sciences, will comment on the topic from the viewpoint of journalism and communication ethics.
The event is a closing seminar of the research project “The blurring boundaries of journalism. Ethical principles and contradictions of emerging local media”, funded by the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation (2021-2023). The project explores via semi-structured interviews how the interloper editors and reporters perceive journalism and journalistic ethics, and which journalistic roles they perform in their media. The data gathered also includes a survey for the editors-in-chief of local legacy media about how they view the emerging field between journalism and communications, and its potential futures.
The seminar is open to everyone. To register, please send an email to inka.tommila@helsinki.fi by 24 March.
Warmly welcome!
9.15-9.30 Coffee
9.30-9.40 Welcoming words, Ulla Koski, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation
9.40-9.50 Introduction of the research project, Jaana Hujanen
9.50-10.40 Presentation of the results
The ethics of journalism challenged: The blurring boundary between local journalism and communications, Mikko Grönlund and Katja Lehtisaari
Performing journalism: The ethical principles and journalistic role performance of local interloper media, Juho Ruotsalainen and Viljami Vaarala
10.40-11.20 Keynote speech and commentary, Peripheral actors of journalism, Folker Hanusch
11.20-11.30 Commentary, Hanna Rajalahti
11.30-11.55 Discussion
12.00 Closing of the seminar
Research team:
Professor Jaana Hujanen, University of Helsinki, Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan, jaana.hujanen@helsinki.fi
Research manager Mikko Grönlund, University of Turku, Brahea Centre, mikko.s.gronlund@utu.fi
University lecturer Katja Lehtisaari, Tampere University, katja.lehtisaari@tuni.fi
Ph.D. researcher Juho Ruotsalainen, University of Turku, Finland Futures Research Centre, juho.ruotsalainen@utu.fi
Ph.D. researcher Viljami Vaarala, University of Helsinki, Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan, viljami.vaarala@helsinki.fi